Minature Falabella horse, reaching only 50cm height and weighting 65kgs. He was born in 2006 in Netherlands, from where he soon after moved to Poland traveling in…. A car boot! This is when he started his path to a great career!
CIUCIU compensates for his small size with his enormous ego- he is a real star and a strong character! Despite the fact that, at the moment, he is the smallest horse in the country, his skills exceed many big horses. During shows, he presents many tricks winning admiration and conquering the hearts of all, not only the youngest audience. Even though he looks sweet and innocent, he is a born alfa male who holds himself with even the fiery Andalusians.
This little grey stallion does not worry about anything and things that would scare the big horses, cannot make him lose his balance. For Ciuciu everywhere feels like home, regardless of whether he is in his private box, on the back seat of a car or a sofa in the living room. He loves being the centre of attention and posing for pictures. Working he likes slightly less unless there are snacks factored in !
My horsiesPonies