Blanka Satora
With unfading passion, Blanka Satora has built her own unique style of horsemanship which combines the classic Spanish Riding School with natural horsemanship. A Slavic girl with a Spanish soul, Blanka treats horsemanship not only as a sport, but also as art. She's been in love for years with baroque Andalusian horses who in exchange give her their whole hearts. She holds true to the motto that 'nothing in life is impossible.'
Participating in the most important equestrian events, five-star shows, and toplight competitions, Blanka captivates her audience's souls as she creates virtuoso performances. Her impressive Iberian and miniature horses, craftsmanship and precision of individual movements, tricks, and movements, which draw from Spanish Riding School, interlace with prodigious and innovative elements such as blazing flames and light installations.
She pours the knowledge she has gathered over the years into fascinating publications, unique trainings, and equestrian clinics of the highest standards. Her dreamlike horses are featured in music video clips, photo sessions, ad shoots and short films gaining more and more delighted fans. The most fulfilling and prestigious part of Blanka’s career is the breeding of Pura Raza Española (PRE) horses in a stud farm located in the heart of Andalucia, the wonderful town of Sanlúcar De Barrameda.

Kreuje fenomenalne pokazy, oczarowując widzów na najważniejszych jeździeckich eventach, pięciogwiazdkowych imprezach i zawodach najwyższej rangi wirtuozerskimi spektaklami.
Since her teenage years, Blanka has always been most likely to be found in the stables, where, with various horses (and great enthusiasm and iron consistency), she has developed and improved her working methods. The only aspect more important than the riding itself is the process of training, of finding individual, personalized ways for each and every steed. In her early years, as no one was using techniques in line with this notion, she had to come up with them herself. Step by step, by trial and error, she has slowly managed to establish a thread of understanding with a horse in the way so that with it’s full trust it would complete every possible task such as; laying down, sitting down or rearing following the command of this slight, blond girl. From the stately, majestic Friesian stallion named Gerke v.d. Louisa Hoeve to the temperamental and expressive Andalusian horses, and finishing with lively, feisty ponies. From the fruit of those first experiences came the bestseller “Horse tricks”.
Animals play the most important role in Blanka's life, therefore it was an obvious choice for her to study veterinary medicine at the University of Wrocław and then to do internships in Poland and abroad. Her education gives her a special advantage over other equestrians, letting her fully understand the magical creatures that horses are and providing them with great conditions to live and work, perfectly fulfilling all of their physical and psychological needs. Unfortunately, she was forced to resign from her promising, international career as a vet in order to hide herself away in the Spanish province, where under the guidance of the best professionals she polishes her skills and trains her horses from A to Z. The best reward and satisfaction comes from when she enters the stable and all the steeds neigh cheerfully upon seeing her, ready to give her their best, whatever it is she asks from them. It truly is a metaphysical bond.
Blanka has been always fascinated by the fairylike Andalusian horses and the Spanish Riding school, which in little Silesian Strzelin in Poland is completely exotic. Following their path of origin, it led her all the way to the Spanish land of horses, Andalusia. Often, she needed to go against the current, however due to her great determination, the young, female student from Poland managed to become a part of the male dominated world of Arte ecustre. Blanca, as the only woman, took part in a famous Cordoba Ecuestre show and kept discovering new secrets from the best riding champs of the most prestige Royal Andalusian Horse Riding School in Jerez de la Frontera. She has proved to the Spaniards that a girl from a foreign country can be equally good or even better than the Andalusian machos- labouring hard to finally gain their respect and recognition. Her unparalleled determination and unwavering faith in things working out kept opening doors to her success even though they seemed impossible to open at first.
Presently, Blanka is developing her passion through exploring her knowledge of Arkana Doma Libertad, which is a way of working with horses in complete freedom. Gaining all the new skills and classical techniques of the Spanish riding school, she traces a circle back to her origins by creating a completely new style of horsemanship in which the contact with the animal seems to be almost telepathic. The outcomes are magical!